About Me

My mother said that as a child, whenever we went to the store, I had to have a book.  As I grew older, I would save my money and go book shopping.  My mother said, "Don't spend all of your money on books!" My response was, "You should be happy I'm buying books and not drugs."

None readers.  They do not understand.

My love of reading was God-given and for a purpose.  Through reading, I finally stopped and said, "yes, Lord!"  He sought me through books.  And through books, I saw Him.

Life has led this American to the Canadian prairies where I live with my Canadian husband and our three children (this is currently a three "three and under" household), and a spoiled pug.

This is why I am here.  I love the fact that I stay home with my children.  But being that they are so young, getting out is hard.  After a day of baby babble and toddler gibberish, I would love some adult conversation.  After God and my family, books are my passion and friend.  Reaching out to other books lovers seems to be the logical next step.

I look forward to discussing books with you.
